Thursday, October 20, 2011

Who doesn’t like to eat in class???

How many of you have seen these chewy cuties lying around this fall?


I’ve been able to get mine at Target for the last two years.  Last year I made a simple half sheet with a graph on it, it was cute, what with its Dazzle Graphics and all, but more Preschool-ish than First Grade.  This year I decided to “cute” it up a bit, and create two choices for ability levels.  I have a Kinder Kiddo myself, and I always like to help out those K Teachers.  Well at least I think I am helping by providing fruit snacks and an activity for it, but come to think of it, they may look at it as ANOTHER task on the To Do List.  (Note to Self: ASK said teacher before arriving with time consuming activity!)

Anyway, back to chewy cuties, take your pick from the two activities below, complete the sentences,


or circle your answer!


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pumpkins: no not the amazingly addicting candy corn type

Please forgive me, as I did not know I myself would be blogging a few weeks ago, I do not remember who shared the link to this wonderful Pumpkin Life Cycle activity from AtoZ Teacher.

pumpkin life cycle

I mean…how cute!  You may not see the great possibilities here.  The wonderful blogger that I stumbled upon sequenced these on a sentence strip.  I am dedicating myself to “attempt” to get more writing in this year.  We started with letter printing and formation, and have graduated to weekly cloze sentences that fit within our story of the week, or the theme of the moment.  So, I created this to go along with the above cuteness.


Here’s a lil’ sampling of the two together…

There it is…my first posted activity, inspired by all you other fantastic blogging teachers on the web, tweaked for my own sweet students.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Why not give it a Try…

So I have recently become *addicted* to Teacher Blog Stalking!  My district has a new Superintendent, and Assistant Superintendent, and had a shake up of administrators, which means that we are looking as a WHOLE lot of changes in the future.  In addition to all of that, budget cuts have left us with the same ELA program for the entirety of my 9 years of teaching.  All of this leads me to the conclusion that it is the PERFECT time to Shake It Up!  I am loving all of the great inspiration, ideas and SHARING that is going on out on the Internet Highway, so I’m going to merge on in and try to join the traffic!  I won’t be leading the pack, I might be drafting from the back, but either way I’ll try to give you my view on 1st Grade from the California lane!