Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Homosomething! And who ISN’T doing EDI these days?

Homonym, Homophone, Homograph.  Eeny meeny miny moe.  Whichever way you look at it, they all mean to mean something different, right?  Its just a little sumpin’ (that aligns to HM Theme 2 Week 3) but my kidlets LOVED it!!!


Now, onto bigger things…My district, as I’m sure your district might be, is delving into the world of EDI.  HARD this year.  We have our own little twist on it, and call it our own little name, but it is walks like a duck, and talks like a duck…then it must be EDI.  I created two different options for a classroom poster to display my Learning Objectives. 

1.  It’s cute
2.  It ensure it is seen by the “walk through committee”
3.  It’s cute


Here they are for you to use!  I simply uploaded mine to Costco Photo and printed it as a 20x30 poster!


Chat Soon - Kim